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We look forward to seeing you in our membership.

The amount of the membership is fixed at 15 € for the 1st year and 5 € the following years. You can also make a deductible donation from your taxes.

How to do :

– 1) Download the fillable form opposite and enter it on computer (please, save the form on your computer before use

– 2) Pay your subscription fee to the AISP via Paypal

– 3) Save the form with your name on your computer and return it by email to direction@aisp.fr

2) Paypal payment

Please choose from the following 3 possibilities:

1st year membership fee : 15 € [powr-paypal-button id=04edf7ac_1491400665]


Tariff of membership the following years: 5 € [powr-paypal-button id=89b853e8_1491480482]


Amount for your donations : [powr-paypal-button id=4e5123d9_1491480874]

3) Receiving your membership card

Upon receipt of your payment and your form, you will receive your membership card to the AISP. Thank you for your trust.

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