SPIA Ukraine in Eastern Europe
During the last week of October (10-24-2019 to 11-01-2019), Ukrainian youth participating in the « Young Peace Makers » program had the opportunity to visit Eastern Europe, with the support of the United Nations. This trip was made possible with the help of the Department of Education and the Department of International Relations of the City of Kharkiv.
The aim of this program is to teach the new generation to care about the planet’s future and peace. In order to do this, it is necessary to make young people aware of the actions of the UN and more particularly those of the « Blue Helmets« : this means becoming familiar with these concepts and in particular human rights.
School 119’s student have become active participants in the « Young Peace Makers » program. Their first trip was to Prague in the Czech Republic and then to Vienna, Austria. They visited the second headquarters of the European UN in Vienna where they have had the honor of receiving an international certificate for their participation in the project « with peace in the heart » and « network of world schools« . For this occasion, General Gunther Holfer, an Austrian veteran, came to reward them. After visiting the military museum and the International Energy Agency, established in 1957, the « Young Peacemakers » went to visit Krakow and a high school. This allowed them to discover the city and analyze the cultural differences between the two countries, particularly dancing.
The highlight of the Krakow’s visit was the meeting with veterans, representatives of the 33rd District of the UN mission. On that occasion, they discovered a real common goal : to preserve peace and intensify relations between Ukraine and the countries of Eastern Europe.
Therefore, this trip was an opportunity to acquire new experiences, to popularize the movement of « Young Peace Makers » and finally to strengthen the links between peace organizations.